Jen at Unedited passed this on to me - uh - a while ago. And I've been researching that entire time. Yes! That's why it has taken me so long. Mmmhmmm...
From the Gutter Girls: We all have our favourite book boyfriends and now you have the chance to create one just for yourself and your fantasies! How do you play? Fill out the quiz bellow, post a picture of sexy man and tag five (5) other book addicts to do the same. Don't forget to pop to their blogs as let them know they have been tagged! Once tagged... you have do do the same, grab the button, answer the questions, and keep it rolling! But don't forget the picture of the sexy man! It doesn't have to match your fantasy man, just a little eye candy for the rest of us... heheheee!
1- Hair color and style – Dark hair of any kind. There can be minimal hair – or the bouffant. Whatever works…I have no major preferences.
2 - Eye color and facial features – Green/Blue anything light colored. I have a fascination with those light eyes I can fall into... Love strong jaw lines and chiseled face. Look at these *wipes drool*
3 - Height and body type – Tall and built – not too muscular – not too lean. Hmmm…how about one of these:
4 - Visible age – Okay, so it kind of freaks me out when they look to young, so I’m going with the 5 year rule, plus or minus: 25-33ish would work. But in the case of certain individuals that do not fit in that age range, I will not discrimate…Just sayin’

5 - Human or other – Human. I don’t know why but other makes me think of aliens. Well, he has to be at least partially human. That’d be preferable. For sure…

6 - Paranormal skills – Ya know, I’m thinking it would be great for him to have that crazy paranormal skill of picking up after himself. Nah- that’s probably too far fetched. So, how about he just reads my mind – but only when I want him to…

7 - Interests – I’m thinking he needs to have some Twilight Edward interests. You know, like be well versed in literature, music, art. And of course I should be his number one interest.

8 - Habitat – I’m pretty fond of Earth. But I’m pretty flexible with things like this. If he wants to live somewhere un-earthly, then I’m sure I could manage.

9 - Special skills – Hmmm…the ability to keep me happy at all times. That would be great. Always say the right thing. Look good at all times (wouldn’t be hard to do for these gents…) and OH! He should cook for me! Yes!!! That’s it!