And then. I. Have. To. Wait. For. Four Hundred and Thirty Two excruciating hours. To. Find. Out. If. I. Make. It. Past. Round. One.
On the bright side, I was awarded this fantabulous award from Michele. Check out her blog if you haven't already!

Also, a fellow friend/author/I-don't-really-know-her-personally-but-we-met-online-and-found-out-we-practically-live-next-door-to-eachother...(Okay, that was ridiculous) ChristaCarol found out that her novel is a finalist in a contest. Stop by and tell her CONGRATS! :) Her Teaser Tuesdays are awesome!
Oh, and by the time I post this, the 21 minutes and 33 seconds will have dwindled down to 11 minutes and 41 seconds...
Nervous energy. Go away.
For those of you with a finished MS, what do you do to keep the insane thoughts and nervous energy from taking over your life while you wait? I am not a patient person. I must be doing something at all times. Hurry up and wait is totally not my style. Should I send out a few queries? Maybe I'll start writing a new book. Or maybe I'll read a few books. Or better yet, I can continue to blogstalk. Yes, that's what I'll do...
21 brilliant remarks:
Awesome. Don't know what to tell you about all your nervous energy though. I've never finished anything. XD
You have been returned stalked.
As for nervous energy while waiting, I hang out at an agent's forum and help other people with their queries, etc. (I can help others, just not myself.)
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind remarks. Congrats on the award and good luck on the contest, that is very exciting.
Hey there. I found your blog through Janet Reid's and I thought I'd stop by. Best of luck in the contest! I understand the anxiety you must be feeling right now.
I just finished a novel a few weeks ago and I'm taking a break from it before I edit. Man is it hard! I'd suggest staying in the writing world (blogging, or writing something unrelated to your MS, and reading can definitely help) but not returning to your MS until it's time.
The good thing is, we writers have all been through something like this at one point or another, so you'll have lots of support. :)
Oooh good luck! I will keep my fingers crossed for you (so excuse any typos in this comment lol)
When I am nervous about anything i write. Maybe start a new MS or write a short story or something. Waiting is not fun :(
Best of luck in the contest. I have no patience either. I am just finishing up my first draft so my patience is tested daily.
Good Luck!
Good luck with your entry. I started a new book. I find that helps a lot.
Begin a new story. But even that probably won't keep you from thinking about it. ;)
Winged Writer
Best wishes on your Amazon entry ... a very exciting time indeed! When I'm between projects, I usually get my files organized, clean up a little, and maybe write an itinerary for which direction I want to go next. Hope you hear good news soon!
Oooh, best of luck with the contest! That's exciting!!
Oh, wow, well good luck! I'll cross my fingers for you!
Congrats on the award and I hope you do well in the contest.
Best of luck with the contest! I find blog stalking is a GREAT source of distraction! I love meeting a fellow addict!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Good luck, hon! You can do it!
Congrats on your award (and of course, on finishing the novel!)
Good luck! I find nervous energy is best spent on horrible cleaning tasks I'd never undertake otherwise. The filing cabinets. The scary wasteland that is my freezer.
And with the remaining spazziness, I write sprawling letters to every friend and relative I'd ignored while in the throes of revising.
You end up tidy, reconnected and at last a bit more calm. :-)
Tiffany! (we still need to get some coffee!) Thanks for mentioning me, and holy shizzle, congrats on the entry to Amazon!
Not that I know everything (shhh, don't tell my kids) but beginning a new project is a big advice for when you begin querying agents, I don't see why now wouldn't be a good time, too. Let the plot and characters kidnap you into their world so to keep you less thinking about that entry. And hey, you might have a finished book to work on once you finally DO get back your results.
Either way, a big good luck to you, and I'm e-mailing you today about the workshop I mentioned and kidnapping you this Wednesday night! Forewarn thee family.
Congrats on your award and good luck on the contest!!!
PS - I left a little something for you on my blog today.
Click here to visit Kim Franklin’s blog!
Happy Monday!!!
Good luck with ABNA! I entered last year and the wait was terrible. But I'm still waiting in one capacity or another. If you're going to be an author, you spend 75% of your time waiting. So I just continue living my life. Piano lessons. Bills. Dinner. Work. The real fun stuff, you know? I only allow myself to freak for a few minutes each day, usually when I'm in the shower. Then it's contained.
Otherwise, I live.
How exciting! I have my fingers crossed for you!!
Hey -- stop by my blog. I left you a little something today!
((hugs)) Nicole
Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes. I've successfully managed to keep my mind off of the contest by jumping from blog to blog and starting a new MS all the while neglecting my house and family.
Does anyone know of a BA group? (Bloggers Anonymous)
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