To win this beautiful award means that I must list 10 things about myself that are unusual or odd and to do so honestly.
1. I make stuff up. It's true. You never know when I'm telling the truth. Unless you are reading this post, which as you know is all completely HONEST factoids about me.
2. My husband and I named our new puppy after our favorite serial killer Dexter. See the resemblance?

Ummm. Yes. Dexter is inside a glass container.
3. I used to be the one and only Chuck E. Cheese. Until the kids tore off my arms and beat me with them.
4. I talk to myself. And I talk to my characters. Out loud. They respond.
5. When I found out that K3 was a girl, I laid on the table crying. No, I bawled. I mourned the loss of the baby boy I'd never have for like a week.
6. On the topic of babies...when K2 was born I pretty much denied she was mine. Not only was she fair skinned with blonde/reddish hair, but she was uuuugley. For reals. I'm not lying. Because this is the honest award.
7. I used to be a promotional model. For Copenhagen. I live in Texas people.
8. I own a Walmart shirt. A Miley Cyrus one.
9. I won a bake-off competition for my Better Than Sex cake. I know, right?
10. Okay. This one is embarrassing. I used to run cross country. Wait...there's more. :) I managed to pee my pants and throw up all over myself in one such race.
And the awards must go to six of you and you are:
Kristen at Take It As It Comes My newly found critter...AKA critique partner. Yay me!
Lindsey at Dangerous With a Pen
Merissa at See Merissa Write
Anissa at Anissa Off the Record
Courtney Reese
You Live And Learn. At Any Rate, You Live.
16 brilliant remarks:
Awww.. your puppy is too cute. And love the honest factoids. : ) Go Texas!
I LOL'd at the cross country bit. I, too, was a runner, and I thought it was going to kill me.
You need to read my "Love Link" post as well. You're in there.
Congrats! And love the puppy. Sooo cute!
Congrats and what a cute dog! I'm gonna go check out those links.
Love Dexter, and the puppy is cute, though blood spatters will be quite evident...
Yay to my fellow critter!!! PS your pupy is the cutest serial killer I have ever seen lol...
UGH typos I mean puppy... and thanks for the award btw... I am so unprepared, should I have a speech or something? Lol
Hi! I came across your blog by following a link over at KT Lit. I was laughing out loud at your facts. And your puppy is adorable. You gained a new follower. :)
Oh, btw, my name is Callie. I'm another aspiring YA writer. I saw GONE on your "to read" list. It was awesome! Lisa McMann is great, isn't she?
I'm interviewing her in a couple weeks for my website. I'm so excited!
Feel free to come over to my site and say hi! Nice to "meet" you. Thanks for the laughs!
I am glad that you all enjoyed my totally honest blog. PHEW! Now that it's over, I can go back to my regularly scheduled lies. ;)
To everyone who loves my puppy, he is a devil. Sure, he's pretty darn cute. But the teeth on that sucker...
Christi- no way...we keep finding common grounds...a runner!! (Not that I am anymore, but...)
Kristen- What? You don't have a speech prepared for these things??? Now you must re-post and tell us ten most wondeful unusual and strange things about yourself!! Yay you!
Callie- I'll be sure to check out your blog!! Thanks for stopping by!! :) I love my followers. (Uh. That sound weird - like I am your leader, follow me to the Promised Land...)
I actually had a nice acceptance speech all typed up but my toddler ate it...sorry! lol
10 strange things about myself... Pfft that shouldn't be too hard- us writers are crazy lol
Okay...this is for #8 and #10.
I just finished watching the first season of Dexter. What an awesome show! If I were gay (which I'm not) and I was a sociopath (which my ex-gfs tell me I am) I'd so do him.
I'm so glad to hear you say you talk to yourself. I do this all the time. My kids don't even ask anymore. :)
It's true! There are ugly babies. And they are no less adorable for it. I once baby sat for this ugly bald headed thing who gave me this wide toothless smile and melted my heart. She had no idea how ugly she was. To her she was a beautiful as any other baby and I adored her for it.
Aww, thanks, fellow teach! :) I can see you modeling for Copenhagen... hehe! Hmm... now I must come up with 10 new fairly interesting little honesties... lol
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